import { ChatInputCommandInteraction, PermissionFlagsBits, SlashCommandBuilder } from "discord.js"; import { Badword, database } from "../data"; import { getGuildSetting, isPremiumActive } from "../tools/data"; import getDefaultEmbed from "../tools/defaultEmbeds"; import moment from "moment"; import { Color, Emoji } from "../tools/design"; import { getGuildChannel } from "../tools/discord"; const builder = new SlashCommandBuilder(); builder.setName("showsettings"); builder.setDescription("Show the current settings of this guild"); builder.setDMPermission(false); builder.setDefaultMemberPermissions(PermissionFlagsBits.ManageGuild); async function execute(interaction: ChatInputCommandInteraction): Promise { if (!interaction.inGuild()) throw new Error("Interaction was performed outside guild context"); const settings = await getGuildSetting(interaction.guildId); const isPremium = await isPremiumActive(settings.isPremiumUntil); const wordCount = await database.getRepository(Badword).count({ where: { guildID: interaction.guildId } }); const logChannel = settings.notificationChannelID ? await getGuildChannel(interaction.guildId, settings.notificationChannelID) : null; const embed = getDefaultEmbed(); embed.setTitle(`Settings from guild ${interaction.guild?.name || ""} (${interaction.guildId})`); embed.setDescription(isPremium ? `${Emoji.PREMIUM} your subscription ends in ${moment(settings.isPremiumUntil).fromNow(true)}` : `Consider Premium status to get an increased blocklist`); embed.setColor(isPremium ? Color.PREMIUM_ORANGE : Color.INFORMING_BLUE); embed.addFields({ name: "Premium", value: isPremium ? `${Emoji.PREMIUM} active` : `${Emoji.SWITCH_OFF} inactive`, inline: true }, { name: "Logchannel", value: logChannel && logChannel.isTextBased() ? `<#${}>` : "Not configured", inline: true }, { name: "Words in Blocklist", value: `${wordCount}/${isPremium ? "100" : "10"}`, inline: true }, { name: `Preserve data on server leave is ${settings.preserveDataOnGuildLeave ? "active" : "inactive"}`, value: settings.preserveDataOnGuildLeave ? "Your settings will be saved even if the bot gets kicked" : "Your settings will be deleted as soon as the bot leaves this server" }, { name: `${Emoji.WAVING} Found a bug? Want to request a feature? Say hello?`, value: "Join the support server at" }); interaction.reply({ embeds: [embed], ephemeral: true }).catch(); } export { builder, execute }